Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nusa Lembongan Island

Nusa Lembongan, a small island between Bali and Nusa Penida in Badung Strait, is the perfect holiday hideaway with few visitors and pristine un-spoilt beaches. A low, protected island about 11 km southeast of mainland Bali, measuring only four by three km and ringed with mangrove swamps, and palms and white sandy beaches. Inland the terrain is scrubby and very dry, with volcanic stonewalls and processional avenues crisscrossing the small cactus-covered hills. Overlooking Sanghiang Bay with its clear blue waters, the Nusa Lembongan Resort offers a panoramic view of eastern Bali and the majestic silhouette of Mount Agung. Known for its great surf, the excellent crystal-clear waters also make it a perfect place for snorkeling and diving. It's still a basic place, but interesting, and there are some lovely places to stay.

The island is small enough to explore on foot, offering pristine beaches and coves, majestic views of Mount Agung, unique Balinese architecture, and the friendliness of a simple country folk. With a lack of arable land and a severe shortage of tourist attractions, the island's economy is limited to its underwater wealth-seaweed. A secondary occupation is catering to visiting surfers. Between Nusa Lembongan and the adjacent of Nusa Ceningan Island, the population is only 60,000.

There are just two villages on Nusa Lembongan, the large, spread out administrative center of Lembongan Village, and Jungut Batu village. Surfers and backpackers hang out in the latter, about 150 per month, for an average stay of three to five days. The only other visitors are European, Japanese, and Australian day-trippers on excursion boats. Jungut Batu offers the island's best accommodations and water sport opportunities. There's motorcycle traffic between the two villages and it's easy to get a lift. Both villages are heavily involved in the cultivation of seaweed. Before government-supported commercial seafood production in 1980, the people of the island lived on maize, cassava, tuber, beans, and peanuts. Today most everyone is involved in one way or another with cultivation of "sea vegetables," and the air is permeated with its smell.

Visit the seaweed gardens at low tide; they look like gigantic underwater botanical gardens. Two kinds are grown, the small red pinusan and the large green kotoni. Almost the entire crop is exported to Hong Kong for use in the cosmetics and food processing industries. After harvesting, gatherers leave a floating offering of rice and flowers that gently drifts away on the outgoing tide.

Life on Nusa Lembongan is very relaxing, with cool breezes, little traffic, no big hotels, no pollution, no stress, no photocopy machines, and hardly any telephones. Best of all, there are almost no pedagang acung (pushy vendors) and few thieves. Jungut Batu's charming "tree house" bungalow-style accommodations with outdoors open-air 'mandi', rickety wooden furniture, sand floor restaurants and offices are reminiscent of Kuta Beach 20 years ago. Crops are meager, and the only fruit available is melon. All other food must be imported from the market in Denpasar or from the neighboring island of Nusa Penida.

Gajah Cave

Goa Gajah, literally means 'Elephant Cave”. Although named by 'elephant' it doesn't mean there is any real elephant live or ever live here. The name Goa Gajah derived from 'Lawa Gajah', which is mentioned in the manuscripts that found in this site. This temple complex was built for the first time around 11 century based on epigraph found in this site.

A seven-meters deep cave with a shape of T-letter is the major attraction of this Bedulu village's local temple. The cave it self is carved in a solid stone hill of the river valley. The main figure of the carving at the cave entrance is 'boma', a barong face, accompanied with big clapping fingers on its side. Leaf, flower, and some horror figures can be noticed if we give more attention look to the rest of the carving. Some holes that are considered to be used as meditation or sleeping quarters can be found in the wall of the cave. Nowadays, those holes are used to place offerings whenever there is ceremonies taking place. On the left end side of the cave is Ganesha statue, believe it as 'the God of knowledge'. Meanwhile on the right end side can be found three 'linggas', that each of them dedicated to the three common God manifestations in Bali, Brahma, Wisnu, and Siwa. There are other three stone carvings in the centre wall, one of them figuring head and face.

Three other statues of Ganesha, demons and Men Brayut, a legendary lady with her beloved children, are placed on a high building located on the left side of cave entrance. It is considered that these statues are 1000 years old. In the middle of the complex, in front of the cave, there is bathing place that is not any longer used by the local people. The angle figures within the bathing complex are about similar to common figures found in India. On the south part of the complex, there are along flight of step leads down the lower part of the valley. After crossing a bridge above a small creek and follow another flight of steps up to eastern side of the valley, a headless sitting Buddha statue can be seen. This is the evident of a close relationship between the two religions.

Batur Lake

Batur Lake is the old crater of Mount Batur, a still active volcano next to it. It is located on the northern part of Bali. The largest lake overshadowed by the active volcano is located in Bangli Regency, at the northeast of Bali. Batur Lake is the widest lake in this island. It lies down in the feet of Mount Batur and Mount Abang. The lake is classified as a "neutral-dilute" lake because there is no known underlying hydrothermal activity, and the abundant rainfall more than quenches any such activity. There is a hot spring right by the lake. We can enjoy the spectacular scenery of Batur Lake from Kintamani. Across the lake, only reachable by boat, lies Trunyan village, where the Bali Aga people live. The surrounding of the lake is a favorite place for picks self up.

At Batur Lake we can see the scenic view and feel cool atmosphere. Bangli's mountainous region center is around the spectacular volcanic crater (or caldera) of Batur. Mount Batur adjacent to the volcano is the large crescent-shaped Batur Lake, all surrounded by the high walls of the crater rim. The place is a great day trips, trekking or just to get away from the daily activity.

Mount Batur itself is actually just a small volcano, but sets in the heart of a huge crater 14km in diameter. Adjacent to the volcano is the large crescent-shaped Batur Lake, all surrounded by the high walls of the crater rim. As the road rises steadily from Bangli or Tampaksiring, nothing in the surrounding gray landscape of bushes and garden plots suggests the presence of a volcano. But over one more small ridge a dizzying view awaits the ayes, encompassing the crater and beyond. From Panelokan, the main road runs right round the rim towards Kintamani, the panorama shifting as we circle around the crater.

One very interesting excursion in Batur is the climb down the inside of the crater from Penelokan to Kedisan. We can then drive around the smaller Mount Batur, through Songan. From Toya Bungkah, boats cross the lake to a Bali Aga village called Trunyan. This place is notorious for its mortuary traditions. Instead of cremating the dead, as Balinese do throughout most of the island, the Trunyan communities leave the bodies to decompose naturally in a special cemetery.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Palace/Keraton Yogyakarta

The palace court with its grand and elegant Javanese architecture lies in the center of the city. Prince Mangkubumi founded the palace in 1755. The Prince then was called Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I and he chose the right location of the compound between Winongo River and Code River. The palace stretches out from north to south. The front yard is called alun-alun Utara (the North Square), and the back yard is called Alun-alun Selatan (the South Square). The layout of the buildings shows that the Palace, the commemorative column and Mount Merapi lie in one line. The palace meeting hall is called Pagelaran, where formal meetings of palace officials are held, while the "Manguntur Tingkil" hall is the place where the Sultan is seated.

The visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of the kraton in former times by visiting the life-size diorama of wedding ceremonies on the palace meeting hall, performed by puppets, which are intentionally arranged to create such an atmosphere. Sets of Javanese musical instruments, antiques and heirlooms have made the palace of Yogyakarta worth to visit. Many sets of gamelan music instruments, antiques, and heirlooms make the palace of Yogyakarta the most interesting tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. The palace of Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat is now the dwelling place of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and the family.

West of the palace, there is Water Castle, built in 1758 by the prince, Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. The Water Castle is located in the older part of the city within walking distance from the Bird Market. Part of the pleasure garden and castle is at present no more than an intriguing collection of ruins, pools, arches and underground passages enclosed by massive walls, however, the central courtyard with the nymph-baths has been restored. A number of batik workshops line the avenue leading to the pleasure garden's entrance.

Prambanan Temple

This is the most famous and also the most magnificent of Central Java's temples or more precisely complex of temples. Situated about 15 kilometers from Yogyakarta, the top of the main shrine is visible from a great distance and rises high above the scattered ruins of the former temples. Prambanan is the masterpiece of Hindu culture of the tenth century. The slim building soaring up to 47 meters makes its beautiful architecture incomparable. Seventeen kilometers east of Yogyakarta, King Balitung Maha Sambu built the Prambanan temple in the middle of the ninth century. Its parapets are adorned with bas-reliefs depicting the famous Ramayana story. This magnificent Shivaite temple derives it name from the village where it is located.

Prambanan Temple is locally known as the Roro Jonggrang Temple, or the Temple of the "Slender Virgin", it is the biggest and most beautiful Hindu temple in Indonesia. The temple complex of Prambanan lies among green fields and villages. It has eight shrines, of which the three main ones are dedicated to Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. The main temple of Shiva rises to a height of 130 feet and houses the magnificent statue of Shiva's consort, Durga. There are 224 temples in the complex; three of them, the main temples are Brahma Temple in the north, Vishnu Temple in the south, and the biggest among the three which lies between Brahma and Vishnu temples is Shiva Temple (47 meters high).

Two theatres have provided the temple. Enjoy sunrise behind the glory of Prambanan Temple. Visitors should be at the location - in the area of The Open Air Theater and archaeological park of the temple - before sunrise at about 5:00 o'clock in the morning. The First open-air theatre was built on the southern side of the temple in 1960 and the second was built on the western side of the temple in 1988. During full moon evenings in the month from May to October, the Ramayana ballet is performed right here. Perhaps one of the most majestic temples in the South-East Asia, Prambanan attracts many admirers each year from abroad.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


From Bandung about 4,5 hours drive is Bogor, also called the city of rain. Previously known as "Buitenzorg" (Sans soucis or Without worries), during the Dutch colonial era, Bogor actually lies closer to Jakarta (50 km) than it does to Bandung (120 km). Appropriately named by the Dutch as a town "without worries", they chose Bogor to be the site for constructing the first palace of the Dutch Governor General way back in 1745. Later restored in 1832, the palace still stands solid and elegant today with its stretched out gardens where deer roam freely on the green grass under majestically tall old trees.

The inhabitants of Bogor work in agriculture, forestry, industry, as civil are Christians, Catholics, Hindus and Buddhists. From a historical point of view, the Bogor Regency still has a close relationship with the history of the Pakuan Padjajaran Kingdom, which was built between the 13th - 15th centuries. This is supported by some historical objects in the form of inscriptions as old manuscript written by some historians, which were found in the area.
Bogor, is famous with its botanical garden. This botanical garden and in the garden is the palace "Buitenzorg" On a not so busy day on the road a visit to Bogor and Taman Safari can be done on the same day. The world-famous Bogor Botanical Garden borders the Palace Grounds, covering an area of 87 hectares with thousands of species of plant life from all over the world. There are over 15,000 species of trees and plants, 400 varieties of palms alone. The orchid houses contain over 3000 orchid varieties. We don't have to be a horticulturalist to enjoy the gardens, it is a masterpiece of design and a wonderful place to just stroll and enjoy the company of family and friends.

See the original "Havea Brazilliensis" rubber tree, formerly imported from Brazil, and world's largest flower, the Rafflesia, a foul smelling and stem less as well as leafless plant. When visiting this Garden, arrange for a permit to visit the neighboring Presidential Palace, which belonged to the Dutch Governor General before Indonesia's independence. Doing this may be a daylong visit by leaving Jakarta in the morning and spend the night in Puncak mountainous region on the way to Bandung the next day. Here again, the whole car trip will be memorable, as scenic tropical beauty all around is really astonishing. We will also pass by another smaller Presidential Palace at Cipanas, the setting of which is in a colorful and flowery vast garden around this wooden but stylish palace.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mount Kelud


Today, Mount kelud is very phenomenal with its new dome that exists from its lake. To reach Mount kelud, the visitors can use motorcycle and the direction come from Kediri to Wates continued to Margomulyo – Bambingan till Jurang Gelap or Mount Pedot. From Jurang Gelap till the new dome of Mount kelud is about 2 km and you can go on foot.
Mount kelud has change, it had green crater before explode, but today the beautiful crater is gone and turn up new crater that different from the previous.

The increase of Mount kelud activities from the beginning step to the next step is show phenomenal activities that never happen before. The water temperature in 1990 exploded is about 400 Celsius, and in this activity, the water temperature is increase till 77,50 Celsius, makes thermometer broken caused of high warming. The earthquake is also has increase level, both volcanic and tectonic earthquake. The earthquake is higher compare with exploded in 1990. The white and black smokes that come out from the crater is not happen in 1990.

The climax activity of Mount kelud is to turn up a dome from the lake crater in November 5, 2007 with diameter 100 meters and 20 meters height from crater water. Today, the Lava Dome still growing slowly till 200 meters height and widened to southwest side of the lake crater wide.
The first white and black smoke are detected in November 4, 2007. At that time is 200 meters height and today the wind has blow them to south side. The white smoke is come out from the dome and blow to the air till 1.000 meters height.

If this is really the end of Mount kelud and the status is normal, with Mount kelud condition at the present, then Mount kelud has a new face. With its Dome that comes from the crater, Mount kelud is more beautiful than before, add with the other phenomenal that never happen before.
Mount kelud changes with its new Dome are very interesting for visitors. The visitors can see and enjoy its new dome if the condition is really safe to be visited. The Dome is seems to be Mount kelud’s son. There is no crater-lake or green water in Mount kelud, but the new kelud presents its new dome. Fantastic and curious nature panorama.

Taman Safari Prigen

This tourism object is located at Jatiarjo village Prigen distric. This natural preserve is the branch of Cisarua - Bogor natural preserve. As the natural wild life, preserve Taman Safari Indonesia collects various wild animals. This wildlife preserve is 295 hectares, the wild animal such as : lion tiger, wild buffalo, komodo, rhinaceros, bison that live in open area. Lies at the slope of Mt. Arjuno 800 – 1.500-meter sea level cover 340 ha and divided three zones. Wild life zone, place for visitor observing a natural wild life.

Visit Taman Safari Indonesia II with your family, friends or the other. Here you can meet with the youngest animals. You also can take a picture with young Orang Utans, white and the endangered Sumatran tigers, African Lion. Watch and learn the Orang Utans, Chimpanzee, Proboscis Monkeys and more as they swing from branch to branch in their unique cultural settings as well as Cheetah, the fastest land animal in the world. See also our variety of attractive birds in our walk in aviary. Then it's time to go to through the reptile house and see all kind of snakes, lizards, and nocturnal creatures from all over the Indonesian.

How to Visit Taman Safari Indonesia II ?

The location Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen, Pasuruan- East Java is in the highway between Surabaya and Malang, East Java. It is just 50 Km drive from Juanda International Airport Surabaya or only 1,5 hours by vehicle. While from Malang, it is 45 Km or 1 hour by car. If using public transportation / bus from Surabaya or Malang, stop at Giant Ivory Gate (“Gading”) Sukorejo, then continue by Ojek (hired motorcycle) to reach Taman Safari Indonesia II in 10 minutes.

If you take a bus from Surabaya, you go to Bungurasih The Bus Station in Surabaya and choose Surabaya Malang direction, and then stop at Giant Ivory Gate Sukorejo and continue to Taman Safari Indonesia II by Ojek in 10 minutes.

If you take a bus from Malang, you go to Arjosari The Bus Station in Malang and choose Malang Surabaya direction, and as the same, stop at Giant Ivory Gate Sukorejo and continue by Ojek. Or use a Travel Agent.


Surakarta or more famous as Solo is lying across in fertile plain terrain along the longest river in Java, Bengawan or River Solo. Flanked by mountain volcanoes Merapi and Merbabu in the north, and mount Lawu in the southeast border, is famous as a stronghold and center of Javanese culture and tradition. Surakarta, is the cradle of Javanese culture, with two royal houses in one single city: the Kraton of Solo and the Mangkunegaran, a principality. Descendants of these two royal houses are still considered leaders of Javanese culture and traditions. Majestic ceremonies and royal festivals are still held with great affectation nowadays. Surakarta or Solo (550000 inhabitants) draws its name from the longest river of Java, which passes in this city. It was the capital of the kingdom of Mataram from 1745 to 1755. There are many Becak (rickshaws decorated with naive scenes) croos the city.

Solo offers an incredible list of eateries also popular far beyond the city. Solo today remains a distinctly Central Javanese with an elegance all its own. It is one of the centers of batik and other Javanese fabrics, and souvenir hunters may find exquisite 'objects d'art" and ornate trinkets in the local markets. Those interested in old, Javanese culture and art should not miss Solo. Solo is called the city that never sleeps. From the evening throughout the whole night one can always find something to eat or buy, as vendors of all kinds as well as small food-stalls remain active and open 24 hours. Home of two royal houses with centuries of power and influence over the city. There are nice inns and hotels in Selo for accommodation. This place was a famous holiday resort of Surakarta Royal Families.

Solo is Surakarta's commercial as well as its administrative center, and produce from the surrounding desa fills the markets every day. Solo produces cigarettes, herbal medicines and various other light industry products, but batik is far and away the most important manufacturing activity in the city. Batik is a traditional textile working process involving the use of wax to cover the cloth in patterns and thus control the areas affected by dying. In the traditional process, batik tulis ("written batik") hot wax is applied with incredible patience and skill with an instrument that looks like a pipe but is used like a pen. The women and girls sit circled around an often-smoky little burner that heats the wax.

Many of the larger houses participate in the batik industry, with an area set aside for a covey of from 10 to 30 women and girls, who usually come from the village (desa). Really skilled workers are generally old, and the present level of batik production is not likely to continue in economically developing Java as alternative, less demanding activities absorb more of this cheap labor.

Bengawan Solo River

This longest river in Java flows along the eastern edge of the town from its source in the lime stones hill of the south, near East Java border to its mouth nearby Surabaya, on the Java sea. Regretfully, the river is now shallow it is not navigable anymore. But in the past it was an important link between Solo and the north cost of East Java. It length is 600 km flowing in 2 provinces which are Central Java Province and East Java Province with the irrigation width 16.000 km2, was the biggest and the main river basin area. It rises on the slope of Mount Lawu volcano (10,712 feet [3,265 m]) and the southern limestone range (Sewu Mountains) and flows north, then east to discharge into the Java Sea at a point opposite Madura Island, northwest of Surabaya.

In recent 30 years development of irrigation facility at the Bengawan Solo river area have reach a significant level of development. This was mark by the completed of irrigation building, which still in progress or even have been built such as reservoir, dam, dike, irrigation net, and others. Investment have been spent to reach this development level is very big. Those buildings have functions as a flood controller, Hydraulic Power Generator, water supply for farming, industry, drink water, fishery, and others.

There is a well-known song 'Bengawan Solo' composed by Mr. Gesang. In the central Javanese city of Solo, a statue of Gesang Martohartono looks over the gently flowing Bengawan Solo, or Solo River. It was the famous Indonesian singer-songwriter Gesang, who composed the celebrated Indonesian melody "Bengawan Solo" during World War II -- when the country was under Japanese occupation.

The song describes the legendary river in a poetic and nostalgic way, that it is surrounded by mountains, its sources are near the city of Surakarta, that it ends in the sea, and that the merchant class always makes use of it. It is in the local Keroncong style, a popular folk style with influences from Portuguese. The Japanese, who occupied the country during World War II, brought the song with them to Japan after returning from the war. There, and also in the rest of Asia and later worldwide, the song became very famous.

Jatiluhur Dam

Purwakarta is a part of West Java, a small district with its beautiful scenery of Jatiluhur Dam. It is located 9 kilometers from Purwakarta, is known as Juanda Dam, which could accommodate 3 billion cubic of water from Citarum River. Situated halfway between Jakarta and Bandung, this dam was originally built with French technical assistance in the 1950's to generate electrical power for the region. It is the first multipurpose dam in Indonesia. It now provides irrigation to the surrounding Arabic land and a fishery industry has been developed as well. It is now being developed for tourism and provides convenient facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, a camping ground, and speedboats for water skiing and cottages. The reservoir is huge, the scenery tropical, the air crisp and cool.

In the dam, there are six turbine units with installed capacity of 187 megawatts and could generate electricity of 1,000 million kilowatt ours per year. Besides, the dam functions to feed water to irrigation channel of 242,000 hectares of farming land provide raw water for drinking water, as fishery and as flood control.

Grama Tirta is a place where we can enjoy our holiday doing various kinds of outdoor sporting activities. Enjoy a morning walk at Jatiluhur Dam, inhaling the crisp fresh air. Let the cool morning dew on the grass and melodious songs of bird greet in each morning. Catch a glimpse of our Morning Glory and its breathtaking beauty will inspire us to new heights.

For those who love water sports and recreation, 8,300 hectares dam with its year round crystal clear waters, will be difficult to resist. Climb into a paddleboat to explore the Jatiluhur Dam, or just sit back and relax in a motorboat to experience the great outdoors. And if speed and challenge are what we are looking for, the fleet of jet skis will propel the tourists to all corners of the lake.

Asides from its function as hydro power plant, Jatiluhur dam also has a number of recreation facilities including hotels, bungalow, bar and restaurant, tennis court, billiard, camping site, swimming pool, meeting room, water sport recreation center, playground etc. Water sport recreation center includes rowing, surfing, water ski, boating and shipping. In Jatiluhur dam, there is a Ikan Keramba Jaring Apung or Keramba Fish Floating Net activity, that could become a distinguished activity in the dam. In the daylight or at night, we can fish with peace and eat roasted fishes.

Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban perahu is a volcano, 25 kilometers north of Bandung direction of Lembang. Its location is in between Sagalaherang village, Sagalaherang district, Subang regency and Cikole village, Lembang district, Bandung regency. This is Bandung's most famous tourist volcano just 28 km north of the city. This volcano offers many places to see and explore. Whether we look into the huge crater or hike down into it, stroll through the forest on its slopes, or simply enjoy the splendid panoramic scenery.

Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is an interesting destination that everyone in the Bandung area is fond of visiting. When seen from Bandung, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape, like an upside down boat. Tangkuban Perahu means, in fact, "up-turned boat" This peculiar shape has stimulated the fantasy of the Sundanese people from early times as expressed in the Legend of Sangkuriang. Geologically, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has played a significant role in the development of Parahyangan highlands. Eruptions have contributed immensely to the hills north of Bandung through lava flowing into the valleys and hardening into rock, thus forming big cliffs over which waterfalls leap.

Likewise, mud flows have formed a semi-circular cone of gentle gradient (what geologists call "a fan"), which is now a mass that blocked the valley of the ancient Citarum River near present day in Padalarang (some 18 km west of Bandung), this caused a lake to form covering the whole Bandung plain.

Tangkuban Perahu is a volcano with three craters into which areas tourists can walk through. These three craters are: Kawah Ratu ("Queen Crater"), Kawah Domas ("Domas Crater"), and Kawah Upas ("Upas Crater"). Tourists can go down into the Domas Crater where exist many hot geysers in which they can boil eggs. Though the mountain appears peaceful, mild eruptions occurred in 1969, when Kawah Ratu spewed ash and barrages 500 m high. As recently as September 1992 it was closed to the public for a few days because unusually high seismic activity leads volcanologist to fear a new eruption.

On the mountain's northern flank is an area called Death Valley, so named for its frequent accumulation of poisonous gases. On a reasonably clear day, from Kawah Ratu, the main crater, we can see not only the mountain range to the east, with Mt. Bukittunggul as its highest peak (2,209 m), but also two other in a northeasterly direction. The lower and nearer one is Mt. Tampomas (1,684 m) just north of Sumedang some 40 km away. To the right and about 90 km away is Mt. Ciremai close to Cirebon on the north coast. At 3,078 m, Mt. Ciremai is West Java's tallest mountain. At the foot of Mt. Tangkuban Perahu we see the Ciater tea plantation covering the rolling hills. Farther to the left are the northern coastal plains of Java, and on an extremely clear day we may even be able to see the Java Sea beyond.

Kawah Ratu, which means "Queen's Crater", is today just a big gray hole, which sometimes has a pool of water at its center. Poisonous gases sometimes accumulate in Kawah Ratu, thus making it somewhat of a risk to descend to the crater floor. Beyond the saddled shaped depression on the far side of Kawah Ratu is the still active Kawah Upas, the oldest crater on the mountain. On the very far western cliff we see a spot where all vegetation has been destroyed by constantly rising sulfurous vapors.

On the crater walls, note the various layers of material consisting of rock, sand, and pebbles. Overtime, new craters have formed again and again in a rather consistent shift from west to east. The most well known of these is the Domas crater, but also there are other smaller ones in jungle on the mountain's northeastern flank. Facilities in Tangkuban Perahu Crater are comfortable parking area, souvenir kiosks, and restaurants.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mount Krakatau

Mount Krakatau is located at the Sunda strait. It is one of the famous mountains in the world, because of it's eruption in 1883 that was earth shocking and a big disaster. The eruption was heard from West Australia and Colombo. Even the hot clouds that was smoulder for a week and reached to European area. And torrent began emerged for the first time to surface on January 26, 1928. The creater of Krakatau torrent is still active now. If you have time to visit there, you can see how great the push power of the earth that can rolled over millions of stones and sands material so formed a new formed.

Bagedur Beach

Bagedur coast is one tourist destination in Lebak district, is an interesting tourist attraction to visit. Bagedur beach is located in the village of Sukamanah district Malimping, Lebak District. For the beach is very easy to reach, because the area is crossed by public transport with the distance of about 104 Km from the City Rangkasbitung. The situation is very calm beaches with clean sand, the cottage is equipped with facilities that traditional architectural style that is always ready to offer comfort for every tourist who comes.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bali Tourism

Tejakula Bali

Tejakula Bali

From Air Sanih, one may continue to visit the east of Buleleng where a small village of Tejakula is located. A series of attractions await the tourists, such as the horse bath, a white stone confection of arches and pillars which is not longer used for the original purpose.

Tanjung Benoa Bali

Though appears isolated at the tip of Bali peninsula, Tanjung Benoa used to serve as trading port for Badung and eastern Bukit. It also sets itself as the center of Bali's turtles trade. The long presence of the Chinese community emphasizes the mercantile trace in the past.

Taman Ujung Garden Bali

Taman Ujung is located 5 Km south of Amlapura, a remote district capital. It is one of three water palaces ever built by the last King of Karangasem, Anak Agung Anglurah, in 1921.

Seminyak Bali

Seminyak provides value-for-money hotels and villas for the up market with ocean and long white sand beach as the backdrops. Stretched to the west, it is just few-minute away from the high-flying spots, Kuta/Legian and Ngurah Rai International Airport.

Kintamani Bali

Mountain range area with its awesome beauty of Mount Batur background. Located 68 kilometers from Denpasar Bali, where are many bungalows can be rented here.

Legian Bali

The bustling Legian Beach points out itself as another cross-cultural international meeting spot. Westerners may find it another fascinating, challenging ocean part.
Alike Kuta Beach, it is a man's paradise.

Jimbaran Bali

In the late years, Jimbaran emerges into a must-visited beach. It will be the paradise for seafood lovers that would like to taste the cuisine by the sea while witnessing the moment of an aircraft taking off or landing on Ngurah Rai International Airport.

Air Sanih Bali

About 17 KM off Singaraja, the second largest city in Bali after Denpasar, a small resort of Air Sanih offers a combined attractions of beautiful beach view and swimming pool.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Trunyan Bali

Trunyan is a village situated beside Lake Batur, on the hills slope and has very nice climate. This village very famous caused their tradition custom different with other villages, especially when they buried the death body (funeral ceremony). In order to reach this village we must rent motorboat from the rental house.

Bona Bali

Bona is one of Bali hand-made craft center, especially of bamboo material. The bamboo handicraft are plenty in smaller size while sugar palm wood contributes to the design of baskets, bags, purses, and boxes which available in all shapes and size. Bona is also familiar as a place that usually showing "Kecak Dance" performance.